5 Reasons Why Your Hair is Dry

Natural and struggling with moisture retention?… Here are five (5) common reasons for dry hair 

Reason 1: You’re Washing Your Hair Too Often

Ethnic hair is dry naturally, so the focus should be on finding ways to provide it with moisture. Over-shampooing will do the opposite of that but keep in mind that shampooing your hair and rinsing it are two different things. Hair in its natural state loves water. Water is its main source of hydration and hydration helps with the repairing & growing process.

If you feel you wash your hair more than 2x a month start by swapping the shampoo for a hydrating co-wash. Reduce the number of times you shampoo and alternate between a co-wash instead. Doing so will help control product build-up while maintaining moisture.

Reason 2: Your Hair Cuticles are Damaged, or You Have Split Ends

Damaged hair equals dry hair and split ends are a form of damaged hair.   If you apply heat to your hair regularly or had heat damage before, chances are you have a head full of damaged hair cuticles. A damaged hair cuticle usually lacks the needed protein bonds to be strong and also does not close properly. Hair cuticles that cannot close, don’t retain moisture and leave your hair dry.  Most of the time, those who have high porosity hair are suffering from some form of cuticle damage.

Split ends on the other hand result from various reasons but often they come from too much hair manipulation and the use of brushes that snag your ends. Here’s how you can solve that,  GET a TRIM and cut the damaged hair off, then start using a wide-tooth comb when managing your hair. ALWAYS comb it when wet and if you can apply a conditioner to your hair beforehand it will help prevent breakage  during the detangling process.  Be extra gentle when styling and remember the ends are the oldest part of your hair and need extra TLC. Once they split the only thing left for them to do is split more unless you cut them in a timely manner.  Naturally Culturred has an Avocado Deep Conditioning Hair Mask Treatment that will help support /repair your hair cuticles. Although our product is still in the formulation stages (currently delayed due to Covid-19) we encourage you to  sign up for our newsletter (join the tribe) so you can be the first to know when the product launches.

Reason 3: You are Using Products That Do Not Support Moisture

This is why learning how to read labels is super important for consumers not just with hair products but with everything for your body. 

Water is the only true form of moisture, so start by finding products that have a high content of both water & essential oils in them. The best way to know if a product has a lot of water in it is to look at where water falls on the ingredient list. The ingredient that is listed first, is often the ingredient that is present most within the product.

Ditch and/or limit the use of gels that are unnatural such as Eco Style or Gorilla Snot Gel. Also, pay attention to the other ingredients that are in your hair products. Many products contain unnatural chemicals that dry and harm your hair as well. A great alternative to Eco Style Gel is Flaxseed Gel.  This type of Gel is all-natural and includes a host of vitamins and minerals for your hair making it very hydrating.  

Reason 4: Lack of Deep Conditioner/ Hair Treatments

If you want moisture in your hair, you have to start training your hair to retain it. The best way to do this is by providing your hair with deep treatments as much as possible. We recommend doing treatments twice a month if not every wash day (highly recommended). Only use treatments that support moisture, hair growth and are conditioning to the hair. Overtime if you are consistent, your hair will start to exchange its dryness for moisturized healthier-looking tresses. 

Reason 5: You Are Not Using Natural Oils to Seal Your Hair

As mentioned, water is the only form of moisture for your hair but how do you effectively lock in the moisture? To get your hair to its healthiest state you will need some assistance from natural sealing oils. Natural oils do not provide moisture however, they assist the hair with locking it in. You can learn more about some of Naturally Culturred’s favorite natural oils here. Keep in mind that some oils are heavier than others. Based on your hairs density, thickness, and porosity you should choose wisely when deciding which oils to use. 

So are falling victim to any of these common reasons for dry hair? If so, start correcting your routine now and keep us in the loop with how you’re progressing. Leave a comment below, talk to you soon !

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